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José Ignacio Cáceres NACHO Master

New Artists - By ColombianArt Gallery

Professional in Fine Arts from Logos Flet University, Higher Technician in Arts with an Emphasis in Pedagogy, Diploma in Art Criticism and Curation, University Professor, Trainer in Plastic Arts and Manager – Cultural Promoter and Producer of the radio program “Diáspora” UFPS radio 95.2 F.M. He is currently the Vice President of the Socio-Cultural Association “Casa de Piedra” and an active member of the International Parliament of Writers Cartagena de Indias Norte de Santander chapter 2017 to 2022. Writer with skills and abilities for presentation in art catalogs for artists on the Colombian-Venezuelan border, articles for university, local and Colombian-Venezuelan magazines and newspapers, his poetic publications include illustrations in various pictorial techniques, he has served as a Jury in competitions of story and poetry, workshop leader in the literary field and invited to recitals, presentations and conferences.​

He has been advisor of the Central East Zone and the Northern Department of Santander before the Ministry of Culture and municipal councilor of Culture of the Municipalities of San José de Cúcuta and los Patios; Cultural Advisor for Public Policy on Culture and Citizen Coexistence – Ten-Year Culture Plan, Cúcuta Norte de Santander 2014; Tutor of the Diploma “Sound Body Artistic Expressions and Early Childhood” Min Culture – MATERILE Cultural Corporation – COMFANORTE (Cúcuta Child Development Centers 2016 – 2017).

Learn more about the artist

November 9, 2023.

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