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Hernando Vergara Master


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Graphic artist born in Bogotá. He has studied Painting, Design, Artistic Psychopedagogy and Democratic Leadership. He has advanced research on Semiology, Visual Communication, Engraving and Urbanism. He has carried out many projects on public space involving government entities and the community in general, especially children, developing in them their sense of belonging and their interest in the adaptation and maintenance of the environment in which they operate. Organizer of multiple community plastic activities that have obtained recognition within the country and outside it for their great cultural value. Professor of Plastic Arts and Graphic Design.

Designer and creator of more than fifty (50) book covers by authors such

as Gabriel García Márquez, Antoine de Saint Éxupery, Rómulo Gallegos, Miguel Otero Silva, Isabel Allende, Pablo Neruda, among others. Creator and director of the Plastic, Pedagogical and Community Pedestrian Art Project. 

His works and texts have appeared in different publications.  In 2012 his book Historia Sin Tiempo, a tribute to Gabriel García Márquez, was published to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the Nobel Prize ceremony with ninety unpublished photographs.



He has participated in different exhibitions in more than twelve countries. He has exhibited individually at the Museums of Contemporary Artor, Arte Actual in Bogotá; at the Galleries El Círculo, El Circo, Santafé de Bogotá; at the Consucre Gallery, in Caracas, Venezuela and at IFA Galerie Bonn, in Germany; at the Banco del Estado in Popayán, at the Casa de la Cultura de Valledupar and at Cooperartes,  as well as at the Heredia Cultural Center in Cuba. He has exhibited together with other artists at the Museum of Modern Art in Bogotá, the Museum of Contemporary Art in Bogotá, at the National Museum of Colombia, the University of Antioquia Museum in Medellín, the Museum of Current Art in Bogotá, the Francisco Zea Art Museum in Medellín, the Museum of International Art in Tuluá, the Museum of Art do Espirito Santo in Vitória,  Brazil; at Galería la Imaginaria de Bogotá, Galería Félix, Caracas, Venezuela; Santafé Gallery of Bogotá in the District Planetarium; Sextant Gallery; Skandia Gallery; El Círculo Gallery, Nova Terra Gallery, among others.


Also in events such as the Joan Miró International Drawing Contest, First Ibero-American Biennial of Painting in Mexico. Graphic Biennial of Maracaibo Venezuela, II Biennial of Engraving in America in Venezuela, at the Colombian Artists Salon, in Rotterdam; at the XVIII International Festival of Culture, Institute of Culture and Fine Arts, in Tunja; in Miami Art 92, USA; in Europ'Art, Genève, Suisse; at the Villa D'Arte Gallery in Barranquilla; in Anónimus, Art Gallery, Panama City, Panama, 2010 Pacific Rim International Print Exhibition University of Canterbury, New Zealand, Istanbul Art Biennial, Turkey, Gabriel García Márquez Tribute, Santiago de Cuba Caribbean Festival; in the Mini-Print of Argentina of the Universidad del Rosario in Argentina. What has made him worthy of distinctions at national and international level.


His work is part of the collections of the Museo Rayo, Roldanillo, Valle; Museum of Modern Art in Cartagena and the Museum of Contemporary Art in Bogotá, and private collections in Colombia, Venezuela, United States, Israel, Spain, Peru, Mexico, Argentina, Brazil, Sweden and University of Canterbury.


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