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Updated: May 27, 2023

Andrés Vélez Master, Colombia.

Master in Plastic Arts, art teacher in different educational institutions and 10 years active professor in the areas of Sculpture and Drawing at the Fine Arts University Foundation of Medellín (FUBA.)

Education has been a fundamental decision in my career as an Artist because I believe that Real Art is immediately recognized, it does not need so much explanation, it is revealed in the work and discipline of the artist when executing his work, Art is knowing about materials and how to use them to inhabit and generate emotions. I believe that Art is a door to knowledge, which, in my case, I manifest in my work in a way, that when you connect with matter, you can enjoy its nobility, its versatility and teachings... You see with each blow, with each stroke, how you model the rock, your life, your behaviors, your dreams, the essence of the one who knew how to see and appreciate them is impregnated in them... In them I found the way my spirit speaks.

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