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Updated: May 27, 2023

From a traumatic event that ended up arousing my interest, I understood that my personal experiences were common to many others and that if I was able to overcome that stage, I would be on another mental level; I understood that life has those processes that allow the evolution of being, from the psychological, mental and social plane. And the most relevant thing is how it feeds back between parenting, personal development, and the fulfillment of goals. This simile led me to see the "OROBUROS", in all this interaction and human correlation. When I turned 28 years of artistic career I made a stop, I also rethought terms, forms and elements of work and in 2014 I had a light when remembering materials seen at the University, but that at the time were not my domain, subjects such as transparent liquid resins interested me (pet, plexiglass, colored acrylics, also crayons, beads), pre-designed elements that could symbolize children's games and then enter into experimentation, it was to start all over again (...) and I thought again about how to unlearn what I learned. "The experience is very motivating." In 2012 I started a study on the development of an artistic palette that could express happiness and that will generate pleasant feelings in the psyche of the viewer, so that the craft will express ‘a universal language' and visual. My intention is to create a personal world discovering that I was around, because the fact of being a single father sensitized me to see how my life and that of my children, were transformed and I wanted to show that at work, to achieve a unique and unrepeatable open, finding a vein in the guideline of thoughts and path in my work, to make it very personal. I also studied the creative process of Picasso, Mondrian and the approach of constructivism and deconstruction, this led me to read about the being and time of Martin Heidegger, in which a thread is established from the anthological foundation to the ergo sum code, - Descartes-. Aristotle's treatise, on time and the work and Kantian doctrine and the work of Derrida giving origin to TIME = Accumulation of experiences, equal to forgetting the sense of being as temporal, which proposes time as a problematic of temporality. Jacques Derrida recovers and translates deconstruction giving as a starting point "the reduction to nothingness", a blank being without tastes, without purposes more than his parents and beings around him can show him. Based on this and my commitment as an artist, I divide the life of being into three possible stages to express it in the work. INTERNAL WORLDS, THE PROBLEM, EXTERNAL WORLDS

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