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Álvaro Tangarife Ortiz "TANGA" - ARTIST REVIEW

Updated: May 27, 2023

Medellín, Colombia.

Álvaro Tangarife Ortiz "TANGA" - ARTIST REVIEW


Master in plastic arts from the National University of Colombia Medellín. Caricaturist, sculptor, painter and video artist. As a cartoonist he has published in the newspaper El Colombiano, the Medellín leaf and the Shock Magazine of national circulation. Mention "First National Salon of Cartoonists" Institute of Arts - 1991 and First contest of cartoonists "Meeting of two worlds" Public Library of Itagüí - 1992. Winner of the First Place in the Caricature and Illustration Category of the National Digital Journalism Award 2020. As a painter he made commissioned works and has exhibited works at the Chamber of Commerce of Medellín. As a sculptor, among other works, he made the monument Razones de-vida in the park of La Memoria, a tribute to the victims of the corregimiento of Fraguas in the municipality of Segovia-Antioquia, year 2020. He has written several books of collective stories with the group of letters of the EAFIT University and with the publishing house "La banda". She was a finalist in the short story contest "Medellín en 100 palabras" 2018. He belonged to the group of filmmakers of the radio program of the National University Brevísimo dedicated to the brief forms of literature.

As a video artist I have exhibited in several exhibitions worldwide and won the First Prize IV International Video Biennial MAMM 1992. He has made television commercials and worked on several international 2D animation series. Professor of video art at the University of Antioquia and Pontifical Bolivarian University Medellín.

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