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Diego Urquijo Master


Foto de Perfil Diego Urquijo Master.jpg

Diego Urquijo from his artistic work presents us in his work a dominant perspective of the existential crisis of humanity at this time, from it a complex environment emerges, where current pathologies have triggered damage and neurosis in the human being in the midst of personal dramas that surround the populations in which insecurity in its multiple facets, competition, violence, poverty predominate, giving rise to an atmosphere charged with anguish in its different biologically somatized psychic manifestations, and that move the creation of defenses to alleviate the suffering.

Investigate your environment with the tools of art, from instinct without intellectualizing or asking too many questions in some stages.

The content of the painting is its own self-conclusive theme (Metapainting). Current images linked to human behavior arrive on his canvas and other supports for visual expression. With an attentive look at contemporary problems, internal states and what is subtly revealed.


Diego Urquijo from his artistic work presents us in his work a dominant perspective of the existential crisis of humanity at this time, from it a complex environment emerges, where current pathologies have triggered damage and neurosis in the human being in the midst of personal dramas that surround the populations in which insecurity in its multiple facets, competition, violence, poverty predominate, giving rise to an atmosphere charged with anguish in its different biologically somatized psychic manifestations, and that move the creation of defenses to alleviate the suffering.

The movement and the image on TV and computer screens, as well as other technologies that have been replacing the word, thought and reflection give an indication of the gradual disappearance of the culture of time and space where the human being interacted with his corporeality. and implicit emotion. Today a magical world invades us, and thought and action are confused, this leads the artist to establish a careful look at contemporary problems, internal states, that condition of BEING between the positive and negative of the human race. The future between the digital and the physical intertwined in a virtual reality that is a way of life that is here to stay. "Living online" in a dystopian world creates an imaginary society under totalitarian power, where the constant is human alienation, a totally dehumanized world that technology pushes towards a chaotic individualism controlled by the machine immersed in fiction that stars all kinds of disasters associated with self-destruction towards a permanent conflict between the human and the non-human.

Specialist in Latin American Studies


Las complejidades culturales, al ulterior espacio de conciencia


Diego Urquijo

Un evento de la Ruta del Arte que te invita a recorrer el GRAN HOTEL MEDELLIN y descubrir nuestra identidad, cultura y raíces a través de las 21 obras que nos trae el artista y vivir una experiencia de turismo cultural única en Medellín.




Jueves 9 de Mayo 7:00 p.m a 9:00 p.m.

Horario de Atención
Lunes a Sábado de 10:00 a.m.  a  7:00 p.m.  

Gran Hotel Medellín

Calle  54 # 45 - 92 La Candelaria, Medellín

Programación Visitas al Whatsapp

+57 301 220 4150


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