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José Ignacio Cáceres Serna (Nacho) Master


Professional in Fine Arts from Logos Flet University, Higher Technician in Arts with an Emphasis in Pedagogy, Diploma in Art Criticism and Curation, University Professor, Trainer in Plastic Arts and Manager – Cultural Promoter and Producer of the radio program “Diáspora” UFPS radio 95.2 F.M.

He is currently the Vice President of the Socio-Cultural Association “Casa de Piedra” and an active member of the International Parliament of Writers Cartagena de Indias Norte de Santander chapter 2017 to 2022.


Writer with skills and abilities for presentation in art catalogs for artists on the Colombian-Venezuelan border, articles for university, local and Colombian-Venezuelan magazines and newspapers, his poetic publications include illustrations in various pictorial techniques, he has served as a Jury in competitions of story and poetry, workshop leader in the literary field and invited to recitals, presentations and conferences.

He has been advisor of the Central East Zone and the Northern Department of Santander before the Ministry of Culture and municipal councilor of Culture of the Municipalities of San José de Cúcuta and los Patios; Cultural Advisor for Public Policy on Culture and Citizen Coexistence – Ten-Year Culture Plan, Cúcuta Norte de Santander 2014; Tutor of the Diploma “Sound Body Artistic Expressions and Early Childhood” Min Culture – MATERILE Cultural Corporation – COMFANORTE (Cúcuta Child Development Centers 2016 – 2017)

Institution: Official School of Ceramics of the Madrid City Council Spain Event: Studies in Ceramics – Sculpture 1987 – 1988 Institution: Institute of Culture and Fine Arts of Norte de Santander Event: Studies in Fine Arts Cúcuta 1979 – 1986 Institution: School of Arts, Administration, Finance and Health EAFYS Bucaramanga Santander Degree Obtained: Higher Technician in Arts with Emphasis in Pedagogy 2006 Institution: School of Arts, Administration, Finance and Health EAFYS Bucaramanga Santander Event: Specialty Training and Postmodernist Murals 2006 Ministry of National Education, Professional Art Card No. 6239, Resolution No.000004 Advisory Council for the Professionalization of the Artist, December 2, 2011. Diploma “Mirrors and Cartographies” Ministry of Culture and the University of Pamplona 2019 Diploma “Sound Body Artistic Expressions and Early Childhood”, Materile Cultural Corporation and Ministry of Culture 2016 and 2017. Diploma “Pre – Film Production”, COMFANORTE Technical and Business Institute and the CINERAMA 2016 Cinematographic Foundation. Institution: School of Arts, Administration, Finance and Health EAFYS Bucaramanga Santander Event: Diploma Training in Curatorship and Art Criticism Santander 2005 Institution: Higher School of Public Administration and Management ESAP Territorial Norte de Santander – Arauca, Foundation for Social Studies and Research of Norte de Santander Event: Diploma in Training in Cultural Administration and Management Cúcuta 2004 Institution: Francisco de Paula Santander University Event: Diploma in Teaching and Didactics Cúcuta 2003 Institution: Cúcuta Municipal High School Event: Academic Bachelor Cúcuta 1982


Course “Entrepreneur in Development of Tourist Activities in Natural Spaces. SENA Training Center for Rural and Mining Development 2020. Course in Cultural Management with emphasis on the formulation of cultural projects. Ministry of Culture and Prosperity for All Bogotá 2014 Basic Pedagogy Course to Guide Vocational Training. SENA National Learning Service. Cucuta 2011 Training Methodological strategies to evaluate by competencies. Simon Bolivar University. Cucuta 2011 Pre-production and production workshops for television, radio and radio collectives. Francisco de Paula Santander University. Cucuta 2007. Seminar Workshop on Comparative Evaluation of Cultural Policies. Government of Norte de Santander Secretary of Culture, Ministry of Culture, State Directorate of Culture and the Julio Pérez Ferrero Public Library Corporation. Cucuta 2007 Introduction to contemporary sculpture, Banco de la República, Cúcuta 2004 Second radio collective workshop seminar “Radio language, design and production of radio programs” Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander Cúcuta 2004 Training course strengthening the artisanal sector, Northern Santander Government, Corona Foundation, United Nations, SENA, Cúcuta 2004 Pedagogical experiences in the different artistic disciplines, Norte de Santander Government, Ministry of Culture, Popular School of Art of Medellín, Cúcuta 2002 Seminar Workshop in University Teaching. Bolivarian Technical Corporation. Cucuta 2001 Seminar Workshop on Pedagogical Training in the field of Artistic and Cultural. Government of Norte de Santander, Ministry of Culture, Secretary of Culture and Tourism Norte de Santander and Popular School of Art. Cucuta 2001 II national meeting on cultural management indicators, Secretary of Education and Culture of Antioquia, Medellín 2001 National Central Eastern Regional Stage Dance Workshop, Cultural Association of Dance Teachers, Ministry of Culture, Bucaramanga 2000 Theoretical Practical Workshop on the FACE methodology. Foundation for the Update of FACE Education. Cucuta 2000 Radio Production Workshop. Ministry of Culture, Secretary of Health of Norte de Santander and Francisco de Paula Santander University, Cúcuta 1999 National meeting of sociocultural promoters, Maturín Monagas State Venezuela 1994


Speaker: “Historical cosmogony of great Santander.” International Parliament of Writers of Cartagena. Cartagena 2018. Speaker: “Fingers that see” process of artistic inclusion in the Municipality of Cúcuta, Norte de Santander. Third interdisciplinary meeting of the arts: “Art as a transversal means of Teaching” University of Pamplona. Cucuta 2019 Workshop: “Combining reflections from the body.” Third interdisciplinary meeting of the arts: “Art as a transversal means of Teaching” University of Pamplona. Cucuta 2019 Speaker: “The Body and Early Childhood.” Norte de Santander Museum Foundation. Cucuta 2018 Speaker: “Notes in the twilight Emily Jane Bronté.” International Parliament of Writers of Cartagena. Cartagena 2018. Speaker: “Jorge Gaitán Durán: Liquid Alchemy Made Word. I Regional Poetry Meeting and I Binational Poetry Meeting. University of Pamplona Villa del Rosario 2017 Workshop leader at the IV Ocaña Book Fair. Municipal Mayor's Office of Ocaña, Norte de Santander Government. Ocaña 2011. Speaker at the II Binational Congress of Psychology and Guidance. Redes Foundation, Libertador Experimental Pedagogical University, National Experimental University of Táchira, Directorate of Education of Táchira and the College of Graduates. San Cristobal Venezuela 2010



Vice president and member of the board of directors of the Casa de Piedra Socio Cultural Association. 2009 to 2021 Participation in the project “Identification and Characterization of the Cultural Heritage of the Municipality of Los Patios”. Mayor's Office of Los Patios 2020 Poetic Recital: Cinema years... one hundred poems... one hundred poets. Julio Pérez Ferrero Departmental Library Cúcuta 2019 XVII International Parliament of Writers of Cartagena. Coast Writers Association. Cartagena 2018 XVI International Parliament of Writers of Cartagena. Coast Writers Association. Cartagena 2017 He participated as a facilitator in the Work Meetings for the Formulation and Construction of the Public Policy on Culture and Citizen Coexistence and the Ten-Year Culture Plan of San José de Cúcuta. Cucuta 2014 First poetry marathon. Mayor's Office of Playa de Belén and the Association of Writers of the Province of Ocaña and Sur del Cesar. Belén Beach 2013 Jury First Craft Contest Appropriating Identity. Secretary of Culture and Tourism of San José de Cúcuta. Cucuta 2013 “Appropriating Identity” contest jury. Secretary of Culture and Tourism of San José de Cúcuta and the Ventura Plaza Shopping Center. Cucuta 2013 Jury “Let's get to know our Department within the framework of the Centennial of its creation.” Governorate of Norte de Santander and the Centennial of the Norte de Santander Department and the Bicentennial of Independence in the Territory. Cucuta 2010. Delegate to the “Second Departmental Conference on Territorial Articulation of the Norte de Santander Department”. Government of Norte de Santander and the Ministry of Culture. Bochalema 2011 Departmental Coordinator at the Secretary of Culture, in the area of Plastic and Visual Arts of the Artistic and Cultural Training Schools of Norte de Santander 2009 Councilor present at the Central East Regional Meeting. Ministry of Culture, Directorate of Arts and Ethnoculture and Regional Development. Tunja 2007 Regional advisor of visual arts representing the Eastern region, period 2005 - 2006. Ministry of Culture, Advisor of Visual Arts, Bogotá 2007 Delegate to the Regional Conference of Latin America and the Caribbean on Art Education “Towards Quality Art Education: Challenges and Opportunities”. Ministry of Culture, Bogotá 2006 “Goodbye to traps” contest jury, Banco de la República de Cúcuta Cultural Area. Cucuta 2004 Council of Areas Programmed by the Arts Directorate of the Ministry of Culture for the election of the National Cultural Councilor. Bogota 2004 Advisor of Visual Arts in the Departmental Council of Culture of Norte de Santander 2004 to 2007 Advisor of Visual Arts of the North East Zone before the National Council of Culture 2004 to 2007 Counselor of Plastic Arts Municipal Council of Culture Municipality of Patios Norte de Santander 2000 to 2002 Participated in the II National Meeting on Cultural Management Indicators. Secretary of Education and Culture of Antioquia and the Undersecretary of Education and Culture of Antioquia. Medellin 2001 National Jury Mixed Cultural Fund Ministry of Culture Call Central Eastern Region Girardot Cundinamarca 1999


Second place in the Early Childhood Workers category for their work “Cinco Sentidos: Qualification process to increase pedagogical experiences based on arts, culture and heritage, aimed at personnel who work with Early Childhood in the Norte de Santander Department” . Marta Arango Montoya Award for Early Childhood Research. Fondo Acción and the CINDE Foundation, through the Glen Nimnicht Scholarship Fund. December 2021. First Place Parliamentary Microtext Contest: Cartagena de Indias for the Love of Life!: Association of Writers of the Coast and the XVIII International Parliament of Writers of Cartagena 2020 Member of the interdisciplinary team that systematized the experience that obtained the National Recognition: “Recognitions for strengthening social inclusion from culture for the population with disabilities”, National Stimulus Program 2019, Ministry of Culture. She was part of the interdisciplinary team that carried out the systematization of the recognition-winning experience: “Dedos que Ven” Artistic Inclusion Project in the Municipality of San José de Cúcuta Norte de Santander. Award: “EXCELLENCE IN CULTURAL JOURNALISM 2018 LA BAGATELA. Circle of Journalists and Communicators of Norte de Santander. Award: “CIRCLE OF JOURNALISTS AND COMMUNICATORS OF NORTE DE SANTANDER 2017 FOR BEST RADIO PROGRAM”. First Place “5 Water Hall” Aguas Kpital Cúcuta S.A. E.S.P. Cucuta 2011 Selected Regional Image of the Banco de la República. “Mixtico Estoraque” Videoart. Bank of the Republic cultural area of Cúcuta 2011 Gratitude for her participation as a jury “Let's get to know our Department within the framework of the Centennial of its creation.” Governorate of Norte de Santander and the Centennial of the Norte de Santander Department and the Bicentennial of Independence in the Territory. Cucuta 2010. Press release: The Minister of Culture presided over the reopening ceremony of the Clock Tower, an event in which the internship in Visual Arts 2007 Cúcuta 2007 was recognized National Scholarship of an Internship modality one in Visual Arts 2007 for the project “The Art Trends of the 21st Century” with the teacher Rafael Díaz Chacón awarded by the Colombian Ministry of Culture. Bogota 2007. General Coordinator Binational Visual Arts Hall Norte de Santander Family Compensation Fund COMFANORTE 50 years, September 2007 Exaltation as painter of the year 2006. EAFYS School of Arts, Administration, Finance and Health. Piedecuesta Santander 2006 Thanks to the development of curricular designs “Innovation of artisanal products” SENA Cúcuta 2006 Recognition for his contribution, dedication and participation in the study as a critic and curator of plastic and visual arts. EAFYS School of Arts, Administration, Finance and Health. Piedecuesta Santander 2005 Exaltation of life and work and pays tribute to the fine arts. Francisco de Paula Santander University, Cúcuta 2003 Cúcuta Chamber of Commerce Award, November 2001. Recognition for being part of the organizing team for the inauguration of the Eduardo Cote Lamus Library facilities. Francisco de Paula Santander University. Cucuta 1999 Recognition of activities in favor of the social and cultural development of Socopó, House of Culture of Socopó. Barinas State Venezuela 1994


International Collective Exhibition “Sublime Influence” Association of Plastic Artists of Mexico ARTAC, UNESCO Mexico 2021 Zulima Gallery. Cerámica Italia Foundation and “El Pilar” Cultural Center Cúcuta 2013 “RE-INTER-PRETATION-ES” Exhibition French Alliance Cúcuta. 2011 “Artists Make Our Reality Visible and Propose Other Paths.” CINEP Program for Peace Cúcuta 2011 VI Binational Painting Contest. Dr. Pablo Puky Medical Center Foundation. San Cristobal Venezuela 2011 Exhibition “The Language of the Visual Arts”. Association of Plastic Artists of Norte de Santander. Clock Tower, Cúcuta 2010 Pictorial Exhibition “Image, Word of Skin” within the framework of the XVI Binational Meeting of Writers of Colombia and Venezuela Cúcuta 2008 “Second Water Hall” Aguas Kpital Cúcuta S.A. E.S.P. Julio Pérez Ferrero Public Library, Cúcuta 2008 12 Regional Halls Eastern Region 2007 – 2008. “Voices. Actions. Silences Books by Undeclared Artists! Ministry of Culture, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Museum of Modern Art of Bogotá and the Bolivarian Government of Venezuela. “Border Art” Binational Pictorial Exhibition, Forty Artists from Colombia and Venezuela. Directorate of Culture and Fine Arts of the State of Táchira (Venezuela) and the Secretary of Culture of Norte de Santander (Colombia). San Cristóbal, Cúcuta, Pamplona, Bucaramanga. 2007 Exhibition shows “369 Degrees” Norte de Santander Writers Association, Simón Bolívar University, Vértice Art Gallery, VIDARTE Cúcuta 2006 Under the Sun of Chicamocha Second regional landscaping meeting. Club Campestre El Lago, Alternate Spaces Visual Arts project, Custodio García Rovira House of Culture, Santander 2005 “Alternate Spaces” Argos arts and crafts and UMPALA productions audiovisual production. Bucaramanga 2004 “Perma Frost” Municipality of Los Patios, Inauguration Ceremony “House of Culture” Los Patios 2000 Pictorial Exhibition “Hieratic Cosmogony” University of Tolima, “Rafael Parga Cortés” Library Exhibition Hall Ibagué 1999 III Exhibition of Artists from Norte de Santander. Cultural Area Bank of the Republic of Cúcuta. Cucuta 1996 I Salon of Artists of Norte de Santander. Cultural Area Bank of the Republic of Cúcuta. Cucuta 1992 Northeastern Hall of Clay Sculpture “Beatriz Daza”. Cultural Area Bank of the Republic of Cúcuta. Cucuta 1991 “Clepsidra” Gallery First International Minimum Format Exhibition. Bogota 1989 1st Hall of Visual Arts “Vision of Simón Bolívar”. Professor Carmen de Ramírez Foundation and the Bolivarian Center of Yaracuy. San Felipe Venezuela 1995


“BERNALINE” Rinde Homenaje a los 107 baños de la longeva edad de la señora doña: Rita Julio Bernal. Exposición Painting At Garden. Cúcuta 2014 “EN ESTADO DE ORACIÓN” Miguel Villa Lemus. Biblioteca Pública Julio Pérez Ferrero Cúcuta 2009 “EN PRIMERISIMO PLANO” Carlos Cormane. Revista imágenes Periódico La Opinión, Cúcuta 2009 “ODREIUQZI MARIO ENTRE VIBRACIONES, SENSACIONES, SENTIMIENTOS” Mario Izquierdo. Vibraciones – Pinturas. Biblioteca Pública Julio Pérez Ferrero Cúcuta 2009 “RODOLFO CANO, MARIA TERESA, JOHANNES. ENTRE LOS TEMPLOS Y LA TRADICIÓN” Biblioteca Pública Julio Pérez Ferrero Cúcuta 2009 “LA OBRA DE OBANDO” Jairo Obando Biblioteca Pública Julio Pérez Ferrero Cúcuta 2008 “ESPÍRITU EN LIBERTAD” exposición colectiva. Alcaldía de San José de Cúcuta, Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander y la Cámara de Comercio de Cúcuta. 2005 “CARRUSEL” Exposición Artística Biblioteca Pública Julio Pérez Ferrero Cúcuta 2005 “IMPEC” Manos Limpias Corazón Firme. Biblioteca Pública Julio Pérez Ferrero Cúcuta, Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander 2003


Revista “El Diario” ilustraciones para el articulo “Freud y otros psicólogos y psiquiatras contemporáneos actuales, en el arte, la crítica y la curaduría 2020 Periódico “La opinión” sección cultura 3C “RE-INTER-PRETACUON-ES” Cúcuta 2011 Periódico “La Opinión” sección Cultura 1C “ESCENARIO Arte desde la Penitenciaria de Cúcuta” Cúcuta 2003 Periódico “La Opinión” sección Cultura 5C “CUERPO – ARTE” Cúcuta 2000 Periódico “La Opinión” sección Cultura 6C “Body arte, nuevo trabajo de Nacho” Cúcuta 2000 Periódico Oriente Universitario “Acción ética, reacción estética” Cúcuta 1999 Diario La Frontera “Se inaugura hoy VII Festival de Música” Cúcuta 1994


“Healing critical perceptions and conceptions of the spiritual in the art of Wassily Kandinsky” 18 Cúcuta Book Festival 2022 “Postulates of Art Criticism” Chapter 17 “The human animal” editorial El Libro total 2020 “Asepsia” Casa de Piedra Artisan Edition 2019 “In Silence” Casa de Piedra Artisan Edition 2018 “Oblations and Prayers” Casa de Piedra Artisan Edition 2017 “Color Inn Color Hado” Casa de Piedra Artisan Edition 2016 “Between Poetry and the Apothegm” Casa de Piedra Artisan Edition 2015 “Jorge Gaitán Durán, Liquid Alchemy, Made Word” Casa de Piedra Artisan Edition 2013


Since 1979 I have actively participated in regional zones, binational salons, Biennials and Cultural exchanges between Santander, Norte de Santander, the Colombian-Venezuelan Binational Border Axis, as well as an illustrator of posters at the meetings of Colombian-Venezuelan writers in the Norte de Santander chapter, organizer of the plastic and performance activities within the framework of the event; Likewise, exhibitor and/or workshop leader in the different techniques of the Arts with young people, boys, girls, older adults, disabled people, teachers and parents and in the last 10 years I have worked as Cultural Manager and organizer of samples, exhibitions in the region and the border area, curating and writing art criticism on Regional Arts.


9 years of experience as a professor, coordinator of Plastic Arts and execution of community outreach programs in the Culture Unit of the Vice-Rector of University Welfare, in the Faculty of Education, Arts and Humanities, of the Francisco de Paula Santander University , occasional columnist for the newspaper ORIENTE UNIVERSITARIO of the Francisco de Paula Santander University and the newspaper La Opinión of Cúcuta and is currently host and producer of the Radio Magazine “Diáspora” of the cultural station 95.2 U. F. P. S. Radio.


Cosmogony Hieratic Series

The Cosmogonía Hieratica series is an investigation of more than twenty years, which from subjectivity represents in this last stage a parallel exegesis between the ancestral Latin American ethnic cultures of their connection between the mystical, sacred, natural and human and the subjectivity of the creator , which develops an investigation between mixed technique, industrial fabric whose tone reminds us of the chroma, flavor and smell of the mystical drink "chocolate".

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