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Andrés Vélez Master


Foto de Perfil Andrés Vélez Escultor.jpg


Master in Plastic Arts, art teacher in different educational institutions and 10 years active professor in the areas of Sculpture and Drawing at the Fine Arts University Foundation of Medellín (FUBA.) Education has been a fundamental decision in my career as an Artist because I believe that Real Art is immediately recognized, it does not need so much explanation, it is revealed in the work and discipline of the artist when executing his work, Art is knowing about materials and how to use them to inhabit and generate emotions. I believe that Art is a door to knowledge, which, in my case, I manifest in my work in a way, that when you connect with matter, you can enjoy its nobility, its versatility and teachings... You see with each blow, with each stroke, how you model the rock, your life, your behaviors, your dreams, the essence of the one who knew how to see and appreciate them is impregnated in them... In them I found the way my spirit speaks.


  • 1999 Academic Bachelor - Fray Rafael de la Serna School.

  • 2000 - 2002 Zootechnics, University of Antioquia.

  • 2007 Master in Plastic Arts National University of Colombia - Medellín Headquarters.

  • 2009 Specialist in inclusive education Autonomous University of the Americas - Medellín.

  • 2010 Diploma in materials engineering in Contemporary Sculpture Universidad de Antioquia.


  • 2005 - 2006 Sculpture monitor, School of Plastic Arts Faculty of Architecture. National University of Colombia, Medellín campus.​
  • 2006 Auditor of artistic training in communes 5 and 15, municipality of Medellín. National University of Colombia, Medellin.​

  • 2007 Work assistant of the Colombian artist Adriana Pineda - Workshop 7.

  • 2007 Work assistant of the Cuban Artist David Palacios at the Medellín International Meeting - MDE07.

  • 2008 - 2009 Artistic area teacher at CIRCO MOMO institution.

  • 2008 - 2009 Teacher of the artistic area and head of the area of the Samuel Barrientos Restrepo Educational Institution.

  • 2009 - 2010 Teacher of Digital Photography and Advertising Photography CESDE technical training.

  • 2016 - 2017 Teacher of vocal technique, sculpture and photography Extension courses Salazar y Herrera high school.

  • 2010 - 2016 Teacher educational institution Liceo Salazar y Herrer.

  • 2010 - 2022 Active teacher Fine Arts University Foundation.

  • 2021 - 2022 Cornerstone Gallery Director.


  • 2007 Exhibition "Mobile - Immobile" In the streets of Medellín and Plaza de las esculturas de Botero.

  • 2007 Individual exhibition "Against the Wind" In the streets of Medellin.

  • 2022 Cornerstone Gallery "Encounter with the Rocks".




  • 2004 Rituals of memory, Universal Cemetery - Medellín.

  • 2005 Auction of works Museum of Antioquia.

  • 2006 Ephemeral art exhibition, Boulevard de la 70 “Celebrating the cultures”, Mayor of Medellín.

  • 2006 XIX Santa Fe Zoo Wildlife Photography Contest. Medellín.

  • 2007 "Entre Siete" collective exhibition TALLER 7 Medellín.

  • 2007 Degree exhibition National University of Colombia - Medellín Headquarters.

  • 2007 12th regional salon of artists "Contra el Viento" MedellÍn.

  • 2008 - 2009 41st National Salon of Artists "Against the Wind" Cali.

  • 2008 Auction house three patios Medellín.

  • 2009 Workshop 7 "Cross References" Medellín.

  • 2009 "Flying is for the birds" exhibition hall of the Comfenalco Medellín children's reading house.

  • 2009 Auction of drawings house three patios Medellín 2011 Exhibition and sale of works house three patios.

  • 2010 Collective exhibition 10 x 10 teachers Fine Arts 100 years.

  • 2011 Exhibition and sale of works workshop 7.

  • 2012 Exhibition and sale of works "VIARTE" (calle de la buena mesa manila)

  • 2012 11th floor exhibition The charlee Lifestyle hotel 2012 Collective exhibition TruequeArt

  • 2012 Street art exhibition la buena mesa poblado 2013 Alternate collective exhibition to the national art "Snack"

  • 2008 TruequeArt “Made in China”

  • 2017 BarterArT Exhibition

  • 2018 VIARTE collective exhibition and sale of works

  • 2018 Collective exhibition BOMARZO Jericho

  • 2018 Collective exhibition country club the rodeo

  • 2018 Exhibition at Nomad House "Fragments"

  • 2021 Historiographical Exhibition Pereira Museum "Pereira sesquicentenaria"

  • 2021 Gallery Meeting point National Palace of Art

  • 2022 Museum of Jericho, Antioquia "Water. Fire. Vacuum. Stone


  • 2019 Meeting point newspaper. "Life and work"

  • 2021 Telemedellín "Escultour" Program

  • 2021 "More Art + City" Program- YouTube Channel

  • 2021 Article in Telemedellín News,


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